DNA Genetic Screening Limitations

Genetic screening can indicate whether an individual has a predisposition, or is at an increased likelihood, of having an inherited disease or disorder. However, it cannot indicate if the individual will show symptoms, how severe the symptoms will be, or whether the disease or disorder will progress over time. A negative test result does not mean that an individual will not get an inherited disease or disorder because our genetic screening tests are designed to detec only highly significant genetic markers which have been documented during medical research. Environmental and lifestyle factors also play a role in the development of inherited diseases, disorders, and even traits.

The results generated from our genetic screening test, which includes all additional health related information, is not an indicator of an individual's current or future health status, nor a diagnosis for any disease, disorder, condition or other health issues. The information provided in the test results should be confirmed by your doctor or a healthcare professional in a clinical setting before any further action/treatment is to be taken.