Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene | Everything You Need to Know

Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene | Everything You Need to Know

Photo-06-06What is Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene?

Hey everyone! Today, let's talk about Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene – sounds a bit fancy, right? But it's not as complicated as it seems.

What is Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene?

In simple terms, it's like taking a closer look at some genes called BRCA. They're like the superheroes that keep our bodies in good shape.

Breaking It Down: Plain and Simple

Think of your genes as an instruction manual for your body, and BRCA genes are the heroes fixing any issues. BRCA Gene Testing is just checking these heroes to make sure they're doing their job well – basically, a health report for your genes.

Why is this important? Stick around, and I'll tell you why keeping tabs on these genetic superheroes is a smart move for your health!

Statistics of BRCA Gene Mutations in Malaysia:

In Malaysia, 2.7% carry BRCA1 mutations, and 5.4% have BRCA2 mutations, leading to a significant risk of early-onset breast cancer, comprising 50% of cases for those under 50. Lifetime risks are notable, with BRCA1 carriers facing up to 87% breast cancer risk, BRCA2 carriers facing 65%, and ovarian cancer risks at 44% for BRCA1 and 17% for BRCA2.

Despite these risks, awareness and uptake of BRCA testing are low in Malaysia, with only 66.7% of Malaysian nurses aware, and just 13% of ovarian cancer patients opting for testing. This emphasizes the crucial need for increased awareness, urging high-risk individuals in Malaysia to consider BRCA testing for informed decisions about cancer prevention and treatment.


Genetics and BRCA Gene

Exploring the Connection: 

Let's talk about how our genes, especially the BRCA ones, are like storytellers in our health journey. Imagine them as the main characters, guiding us through the plot of our well-being.

BRCA Heroes and Risk: 

Meet BRCA1 and BRCA2, the champions of our genes. Normally, they keep us safe from too many cancer cells. But if they undergo changes, called mutations, it can make the chance of having breast and ovarian cancers go up. It's like a superhero plot twist. Understanding this helps us create plans to keep our health story on the right track.

Who Should Consider Genetic Testing For BRCA Gene?

Genetic testing isn't for everyone; it's like a special tool designed for those with a higher chance of facing health challenges, especially when it comes to cancer. Figuring out who needs it involves looking for potential signs and understanding family history.

  • High-Risk Individuals

Watch for signals like unexpected weight loss or lasting changes in breast tissue, indicating potential changes in the BRCA gene.

  • Individuals with Family History

Family illnesses create a genetic story. If close family members had breast or ovarian cancers, it suggests a higher risk, acting as a map for doctors to decide on genetic testing.

BRCA Gene Symptoms and Genetic Testing: What to Know


Understanding BRCA gene symptoms is crucial for managing your health proactively. Here's a simple breakdown of the subtle signs associated with these genetic variations:

  • Subtle Indicators

BRCA gene mutations may not show obvious signs. If breast or ovarian cancers are in your family history, stay vigilant for any changes.

  • Breast Changes

Monitor your breasts for lumps, tenderness, or unexpected size changes. Awareness of your family's BRCA mutation history helps in early detection.

  • Ovarian Clues

Look out for pelvic discomfort, persistent bloating, or changes in urination as potential symptoms linked to BRCA gene mutations.

  • Family History

Investigate family cases of breast or ovarian cancers, indicating a genetic predisposition. This insight prompts further exploration through genetic testing and counseling.

  • Beyond Breast and Ovarian

While BRCA genes are associated with breast and ovarian cancers, be mindful of potential impacts on pancreatic and prostate health. These genes influence various aspects of our genetic makeup.

  • Empowering Vigilance

Understanding BRCA gene symptoms empowers you on a healthier journey. Combine genetic awareness with regular screenings for informed health choices. Embrace your genetic story for a path of well-being.

The Process of BRCA Gene Testing

Genetic testing for BRCA gene is a straightforward process that typically involves the following steps:

  1. Ordering a DNA testing kit: You can order a DNA testing kit from an online website or through your healthcare provider. The kit will include instructions on how to collect a saliva sample and return it to the lab for testing.

  2. Collecting a saliva sample: Once you receive your DNA testing kit, you will collect a saliva sample using the provided swab and instructions. The process is simple and painless.

  3. Returning the saliva sample: After collecting your saliva sample, you will seal the sample tube and return it to the lab using the provided prepaid postage.

  4. Receiving your test results: You will typically receive your test results within 18-21 business days. Your test results will be sent to you securely through an online portal.

  5. Booking a one-on-one consultation: Once you receive your test results, you will schedule a one-on-one consultation with a genetic counselor or healthcare provider to discuss your results in detail.

Understanding Genetic Testing for BRCA Gene Results

Your genetic test results will indicate whether or not you have any genetic markers that increase your risk of developing BRCA gene. There are two main types of genetic test results:

  • Positive results: This indicates the presence of genetic markers increasing your BRCA gene risk. However, it doesn't guarantee you'll definitely develop the gene.

  • Negative results: This means no known genetic markers increasing your BRCA gene risk. Follow recommended screening guidelines for ongoing health monitoring.

For those with positive results, the journey shifts towards personalized treatment and prevention. Whether through specific therapies or lifestyle changes, this positive outcome becomes a starting point for actively managing health.

Positive results often lead to rethinking lifestyle choices. From what we eat to how often we exercise, these changes aren't just about reducing risk but about thriving. It's a well-rounded approach that goes beyond our genetic makeup.

Negative results aren't the end; they're a checkpoint in an ongoing journey. Dealing with them means acknowledging relief while understanding the need for continuous monitoring.

For those with negative results, it's not a signal to stop but a reminder for ongoing check-ins. Regular screenings become crucial, catching anything early and keeping health proactive.

Integrating Genetic Testing for BRCA Gene Information into Prevention

With genetic insights in hand, the journey moves into prevention. It's not just about knowing; it's about turning that knowledge into plans for a healthier future.

  • Personalized Prevention and Testing Plans: 

Our unique genes call for personalized strategies, considering individual risks for proactive health.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments Based on Genetic Risk Factors: 

Genes aren't destiny; they're a conversation. Lifestyle changes, guided by genetic risks, form a healthy connection from diet to exercise.

  • Working with Healthcare Professionals for Complete Care: 

In genetics, teamwork is crucial. Integrating genetic info into BRCA prevention involves close collaboration with healthcare pros, ensuring a smooth journey.

Try Out Revive Wellness’ All-In-One Test!

Whether positive or negative, your genetic results are key milestones in your health story. Positive outcomes guide you to tailored health plans, while negative ones signal wellness—yet, regular check-ups are a must. Leverage your genetic insights, crafting personal plans, embracing lifestyle changes, and collaborating with healthcare pros for holistic care.

Ready for the next step? Explore the Origene all-in-one test from Revive Wellness. It unlocks the information you need for a healthier future, ensuring your genetic story is in your hands. Take charge now and embark on your ongoing health journey!